
OK so in "Flags of our fathers" we see US troops trying to raise money for the war, cause back then you actually had to pay cash for wars, you couldn't put them on your credit card like we do now. Bush has cut taxes while paying $2 Billion/week for his war. Imgine that money going to a worthy cause. Why you could turn the whole state of Mississippi around with that kind of money. Or put computers in the classroom, or save the endangered spotted owl, etc. etc. Anyways, so I have an idea for raising money to pay for the war. Nobody wants more taxes right? OK so f%$# the Saddam trail, it is BS anyways. Put him in a bullet proof glass cage where he can stand up or sit down in, and take him on a tour of the US. People would pay good money to see him and have a chance to curse him or spit in his general direction (of course some people would try to kill him, that's what the bullet proof glass is for). You could raise a lot of money. Charge $100 a pop, and go on tour. Next stop, Saddam in Chicago! Then its on to LA.! Special appearance in your town soon!

Another great idea I have for rasing money (and changing US policy) is to have Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney all stand there, and people could buy tickets to kick them in the balls. And hundreds if not thousand (or millions) of people would line up. And you could give one of them one good punch or kick. Only one. And the point is you could raise some money, but also, at some point they would give (they would be tied up so they couldn't run away) and then they would beg and ask "what do you want?" and then you could have a list of demands ready, like pull out of Iraq, scrap tax cuts, scrap No Child left Behind, Increase the EPA's funding by 1,000% and so on. And when they laugh and say no way, they get another kick in the balls. This would be very effective. Much better than a trial or an impeachment.
I found this listed under "Why we hate George Bush".

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