We had cheerleading games at our school the other day. Outside. In December. The cheerleaders cheer at cheerleading championships, they don't cheer for a team. We don't have a real team, just intramurals. Which is really sad because they have a lot of cheer, I mean serious school spirit. They have class until 10pm, and then they practice in a field lighted by floodlights after that. They really j-eye yo themselves (gogogo). This condition is true of many students. In class they are asleep, or half dead zombies, just bored to tears. They drag their body to class, but usually do not bring their minds. However the second that bell rings they come right back to life and want to play ping pong, basketball, cheerlead, go bowling, play computer games, or study? Maybe? I think the Taiwanese sytem has sucked the life out of them, but I guess a lot of American students are that way too. It is just frustrating as a teacher. I tell them turn the Dian Now on. Dian Now means "electric brain" which is Chinese for Computer, and they are there in class, but the switch is not on.

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