The school cafeteria. This is where I eat lunch almost every day. They are very helpful for me with my poor Chinese, they try to understand me. They are very fast, and really hustle at lunch. The lady on the left has some lungs, when an item is ready she screams that it is ready. And boy can she yell.

Students in my graduate TOEFL class. They hope to go to the US next year to study.

Another TOEFL class. The good thing about these classes (as you can see) is there are only 5 students, so we can actually make progress with specific problems that they have. This is an "experimental" program that we are copying from the Japanese. The "experiment" as far as I can tell, is to have 5 students instead of 50 like all my other classes. I have to right a weekly report on their progress. Overall they are a good lot.

Diana is my office assisstant. She is from Seattle and is doing her IMBA at STUT. Most of the other students in this program are from Vietnam or Thailand, and are in my Chinese class.

Cindy is the go between for me and my boss, so she is always giving me new instructions. We try to smooth relations by going to lunch.
We teach the new iBT TOEFL

My office now that it is set up a little bit

The big picture of the office

We are hip to Azar at my Job
Student in the undergraduate night TOEFL class. This class has 50 students. Some nights it goes until 10pm, so it is hard for us to stay awake, but we try. They are motivated though, and mostly, their English is pretty good for Freshmen.
A real action photo of students at work.

A couple of my Grads.

Brooks hard at work. He is one of the other teachers in my program. He's from S. Carolina. Having him around had helped alot, because we are about the same age, like sports, and so on.

Diana and Richard hashing out the issues of the day. Diana is the other American on our team, and Richard is a teacher in the Language Center.
Alright, I know that for a long time a complaint about my blog has been that there were'nt enough pictures of people. I just haven't had time to take so many pictures, but I finally got around to some. So here there are. I know you are all eagerly anticipating...
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