Taiwan G
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Missoula, Montana 2001

Spring Break, Florida, 1995

Trip to New York, 1995

Beta Frat Party, College of Wooster, 1996
Alright there has been a lot of talk lately about my hair, and people seem to think I should grow it out again, and I don't have to work for a few more weeks so I guess I will let it. How will it come out? We'll see, but the ladies seem to like it so, hey that's good right? Just for the record these photos are from 1995-6, and these three guys (who will remain anynomous) have all gone on to successful careers/lives in Beijing, Boston, and North Carolina. This is why I never see my old friends anymore, they are flung all over the globe from London, India, China, and all over the US. I don't know what happened to me? Where did I go so horribly wrong, that all my friends from college should be successful and I am all washed out? They are not any smarter or harder working than I am. Ok maybe they are. Ah well, maybe my life isn't so bad, but I don't have a house or a car, which are the American standards for success, but I really don't care.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My hair

Hmmm... Before and after? and after again? Which one is the real me? People who have only seen me with my short hair always can't believe it is me when I show them a picture of me with long hair. Am I a Republican or a hippie? Should I let it grow again? or get a business card?
You decide. The polls are open now.


So I went to America for vacation. Well not really America, Hawaii. Not home really. I've never been to Hawaii so it's not like going home. But technically it is America, and it has Starbucks and all that stuff, but it definitely has a pacific island feel.

I went with my Mom. We went to Pearl Harbor. This is a Japanese one man suicide torpedo.

This is a US submarine. We didn't go on because you had to pay $10.

Sunset at Waikiki beach.

This lady appeared to be a an authentic local dressed up and dancing on the beach not just for fun. Not a hoax to trap tourists and get them to pay money. Seriously. Which is quite rare.

The water really comes up close to the seawall. Erosion, or was it always like that?
Waikiki is crowded but nice. It is right next to downtown which I think is kinda cool. You can walk around, eat, shop, and go to the beach. I didn't get to surf though.

We went to a Luau.

The "Royal Court" arrives.

Taking the roasted pig out of the ground.

Big Chief explains how to open a coconut.

There was a small random church in the middle of nowhere mountains.

The gods are angry. A restored temple of the old Hawaiian religion. They decided to give it up in 1819. It mostly seemed to be a list of rules or taboos against a lot weird stuff like women eating bananas.

I like tiki statues. Very pagan.

We went snorkeling. The boat took us out to a nice spot. Snorkeling was the best part of the trip. I saw some cool tropical fish and coral reefs.

My Mom is cute.

I told you I went snorkeling.

Note the Bob Dylan hair circa 1966.

The coral reef where we went snorkeling.

We stayed on the big island, and many of the beaches were small and crowded.

Look at the pretty flowers

I saw a three foot sea turtle at this beach.

Hawaii is famous for rainbows. It doesn't mean they're gay, they just like rainbows OK?

This is a big lava flow pool that has hardened.

It's still hot here. Active volcanic activity.

This was the best beach we found. It was a half hour drive to get there on a terrible road, but that was good because then it wasn't crowded.


There is a big mountain in the center of the island.

There is a lot of black volcanic rock here.