Missoula, Montana 2001

Spring Break, Florida, 1995

Trip to New York, 1995

Beta Frat Party, College of Wooster, 1996
Alright there has been a lot of talk lately about my hair, and people seem to think I should grow it out again, and I don't have to work for a few more weeks so I guess I will let it. How will it come out? We'll see, but the ladies seem to like it so, hey that's good right? Just for the record these photos are from 1995-6, and these three guys (who will remain anynomous) have all gone on to successful careers/lives in Beijing, Boston, and North Carolina. This is why I never see my old friends anymore, they are flung all over the globe from London, India, China, and all over the US. I don't know what happened to me? Where did I go so horribly wrong, that all my friends from college should be successful and I am all washed out? They are not any smarter or harder working than I am. Ok maybe they are. Ah well, maybe my life isn't so bad, but I don't have a house or a car, which are the American standards for success, but I really don't care.
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