The Beach

A beautiful spot I found. Hgiher off the beach, I still had a bungalow right by the water. A lovely view from the patio where the restaurant was. Family owned, but this was not a good thing cause Mama was a raging bitch. She told me no rooms, then changed her mind, then doubled the price. When you go there she greets you with a scream "what you want?!" Using the tone that a woman would use when being attacked in a dark alley late at night. At first I thought it was just me but she treats all her guests this way. Sadly Thailand is beautiful but the people are fucked up (of course this is true of most places on this planet). They are so spoiled by western tourists that they just try to jack you for a nickel all the time. Really annoying.

This is the view from a resort where you can go learn Tai Chi for 5 days.

My buddies. I met these guys on the overnight train down from Bangkok. It takes 12 hrs. Then you take a 3hr boat ride. The guy on the left is a cool German guy who takes Americans on tours of Europe 6 months a year, and takes the rest of the year off to study Chi-Gong and Chinese medicine (with time for a beach party in Thailand obviously). Talk about beating the system. The guy on the right is Canandian. He wants to be in Doctors Without frontiers, and volunteer teaches English in Bangkok. All good goals, but we'll see if his raging alchoholism gets in the way.

This is where th rich people stayed. You can sit on a bean bag chair on a deck right next to the beach. They show movies at night. Also it is a semi-nude beach, which is illegal in Thailand, but then again so are a lot of things that go on. If the cops don't enforce the law, who cares, right?

I like coconuts, you can break them open and they smell liek ladies lying in the sun. -WSP

This is one place I stayed. I had a beach bungalow right here on the beach for $10US. Nice little porch with a hammock. There is a little restaurant there that playes reggae music at night. Also you can walk down the beach to the upscale resort where retards are paying up to $100 to stay in the same place because they want luxuries like indoor plumbing, AC, and TV.
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